Tuesday, September 21, 2010

bring on the boredom

My life is a soap opera. god, do I want to be bored!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Too Much Information!

This week I feel like I over-researched! I read too many articles, looked at too many websites and videos to the point that I felt overwhelmed with information and paralyzed to put it together. I had notes everywhere, behind shopping lists, on envelopes, in notebooks and on tablets. It took me many hours to write what I feel was a mediocre presentation. I teach my students better research skills than I was practicing!
But now it's time to move on and time to say goodnight.

P.S. My annotated bibliography follows my address on a separate page.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Let's not create a cyberbullying panic"

This post presents readers with a balance of information that puts cyberbullying into perspective. While author, Larry Magid, addresses the serious nature and consequences of cyberbullying, he sites research that indicates "bullying is on the decline." He also points out how adults, especially public figures, like politicians and talk show hosts need to model good behavior when they are referring to others.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Getnetwise probably contains everything parents, children and educators need to know regarding internet safety. There are guides, tools, websites and even blogs they can log onto for detailed, comprehensive information. The Internet Education Foundation started this site "to help insure that internet users have safe and rewarding online experiences." You can even watch Frontline's Digital Nation through this site! The one topic I did not see specifically addressed was cyberbullying, but I could have missed it!

Blogs and RSS feeds

Initially, I chose to present a Professional Development workshop on blogging using Blogger.com, and I wrote as if I were addressing an audience of the 7th grade Purple team with whom I am working this year. As I went through the presentation, I thought that since I had had these folks create a Gmail account, it would be the perfect opportunity for them to get their feet wet with an RSS feed at Google Reader. I did not go into great detail with them, especially regarding the RSS feed, because I wanted them to have some time to use these tools.

P.S. As it turned out, having viewed my blog :), they all wanted to go to Animoto.com and create a video on their blogs!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I have not been linking sites, and I want to be able to show others how it is done. I tried to go back to an old post, A Few More Cool Sites, to include proper links and it did not work. I am going to see what happens here on a new post. It is not working. I see the link here on my blog's edit page, but not on the posted page. The link is Vimeo.com. Wow, I just got it...I figured I'd give it one more try before e-mailing Barb for a lifeline. Let's try others Pandora.com, Europafilmtreasures.com Yes, I finally get it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Out of the Loop

This week I am out of the loop. I have had no PD training; it's not part of "my" experience. I don't feel like an expert ready to teach teachers, but I am not afraid to share what I know. We will see where it goes.
I have more than usual on my plate. We have water in the basement again...I have an event to attend for one of my students on Thursday, my daughter AJ has her senior show on Friday and Saturday (I will be helping her set up Thursday night and Friday--we need to hang paintings, arrange space, buy food and wine...) Sunday is Easter! I have not yet set up our eating arrangements. AJ has to work until 5 on Easter...I think I am oversharing...Sorry.